Untitled (Bowie V), 2007

From the series, We were strangers for too long.

Digital scan, aluminum foil, glitter

43.5 x 43.5 inches

Bowie VII, 2009

From the series, We were strangers for too long.

Digital scan, aluminum foil, glitter, vinyl

40 1/2 x- 37 3/4 inches

Ian Curtis VII, 2006

From the series, We’re treating each other just like strangers.

Digital scan, aluminum foil, glitter, vinyl

60 x 43 1/2 inches

Blondie II, 2006

From the series, We’re treating each other just like strangers.

Digital scan, aluminum foil, glitter, vinyl

60 x 43 1/2 inches

Warsaw (Found), 2008

From the series, We were strangers for too long.

Cut-out digital scans, vinyl

Kraftwerk IV, 2008

From the series, We were strangers for too long.

Digital scan, glitter, vinyl

34 1/2 x 28 inches

Power, Corruption, Lies III, 2006

From the series, We’re treating each other just like strangers.

Digital scan, glitter, vinyl

12 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches

The Jam III, 2008

From the series, We were strangers for too long.

Digital scan, aluminum foil, glitter, vinyl

43 1/2 x 58 3/8 inches

The Slits, 2006

From the series, We’re treating each other just like strangers.

Digital scan, aluminum foil, glitter, vinyl

Sparks Grave, 2002

Photograph mounted on sintra

40 x 60 inches

Crowd Relationship I and II, 2001

Photograph on board

12 1/2 x 12 1/2 inches

Bazaar, 2001

lPhotographs, plants, wood